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Wednesday, May 30, 2018







ys貿易商董事會是一家家族企業,也是我們旗下所有品牌的子公司,是巴基斯坦優質級膠合板,膠合板,層壓板,層壓MDF和普通刨花板(刨花板)的領先製造商。誠然,我們的產品線體現了我們對卓越和品質的承諾 - 我們投資於最好的技術和人力資本,以確保為我們的消費者提供優質的最終產品。
我們核心價值觀的核心是我們智力資本的發展 - 我們的員工來自當地和國外最好的大學,並定期派往國家和國際層面的各種培訓研討會和會議。
除了成為巴基斯坦面板產品的先驅之一外,我們還經常出口到世界各地。所以今天聯繫我們 - 我們很樂意為您服務!
預層壓內牆等級可用於單面層壓(OSL)和雙面層壓(BSL)的變體。 預層壓板由最優質的MDF板製成,在短週期壓機中用MF樹脂浸漬紙層壓在編程邏輯控制質量系統下。
優點 : 沒有分層的風險 耐磨損,日用化學品,蒸汽,香煙灼傷和開裂 不受波浪,氣泡或任何其他粘合缺陷的影響 與預先層壓的刨花板和膠合板不同,邊緣光滑,因此降低了精加工的成本 完成面板表面無需額外費用 可用於柔和木紋的各種色調 預先層壓的MDF被稱為層壓MDF。它可用於單面層壓(OSL)和雙面層壓(BSL)的變體。
YS TRADERS最大的三聚氰胺系列提供近200種最現代的純色,文摘和木紋。 YS TRADERS設計與我們自己的高質量刨花板或MDF內核進行熱熔合。樹立質量和創造力的基準!
層壓板MDF,HDF,芯片板,薄板: 天然木皮貼面中密度纖維板,刨花板,松木,楓木,紅橡,白灰等薄板 三聚氰胺紙層壓MDF,HDF,芯片板,薄板等 光面三聚氰胺貼面HDF,薄板,貼片板 墊層壓MDF,HDF,芯片板和薄板

Friday, May 18, 2018

Chipboard in karachi 03153164120 & 03132680225

MDF, Chipboad, Lamination MDF & Lamination Cheap Board are Available in all sizes starting from 3mm to 24mm at cheap price.

ys traders Boards, a family owned business and a subsidiary of all Brands available at our outlet, is Pakistan's leading manufacturer of premium grade plywood, veneer board, laminated board, laminated MDF and plain particle board (chipboard). True to our heritage, our product line reflects our commitment to excellence and quality- we invest in the best technology and human capital to ensure a superior end product for our consumer.

uniquely designed wood panel manufactured with the state-of-the-technology, and is commonly used as a core material for home and office furniture, wall panels, worktops as well as hifi-speaker boxes. 

largest melamine collection offers nearly 200 of the most contemporary solid colors, abstracts and wood grains

the latest texture offering.

This smooth, medium gloss, furniture grade texture brings the look and feel of a real wood finish to your thermally-fused melamine design.

Available in your choice of TFM on any of our superior particle board and MDF products

Central to our core values is the development of our intellectual capital- our staff is recruited from the best local and foreign universities and is regularly sent to various training seminars and sessions on a national and international level.

Recently, we have expanded our service line to include Formaldehyde, UF (urea formaldehyde) and UF Moulding Compound.

In addition to being one of the pioneers in panel products for Pakistan, we also frequently export to various countries around the world. So contact us today - We'd be more than glad to be of service to you!
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